
technic and history

The German Mining Museum ( is are of the leading of its kind worldwide. Whatever you want to know about mining, here you can experience it. Address: Am Bergbaumuseum 28

Those who like old steam engines should visit the Railway-Museum Bochum-Dahlhausen (http://www.eisenbahnmuseu...) and Station Dahlhausen. Opening hours: Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00; Sun: 10:00 - 13:00; Dr.-C.-Otto-Straße 191; Tel. +49 234 492516

At the city's borderline to Herne Röhlinghausen is located the former mine Zeche Hannover ( with the Malakow-Tower and the engine hall. Here you will find the steam-powered winding-engine, which will be operated at events but nowadays with pressed air anstead of steam.

Zeche Knirps
( Mine small Boy located on the ground of Mine Hannover. It gives children the opportunity to experience the processes in a mine.

Bochum Planetarium, the dome is suitable for 300 persons, it is recommended to buy the ticket half a hour befor the show starts. Address: Castroper-Strasse 67, 44791 Bochum

Museum of local history "Helf's Farm"
(, Address: In den Höfen 37
Farmhouse Museum
Museum of historic medical tools
( in the Malokos-Tower of former Mine Julius-Philipp from 1875. Address: Malakowturm, Markstraße 258a, 44799 Bochum
(, Cruismannstrasse 2, 44807 Bochum, Visitations and guided tours should be coordinated with the museum director Peter Schneller, Fon: +49-0234-9530795 or +49-0234-9101440 municipality
( Karl-Lange-Str. 17, Declaration: Hans Dahr Fon.: 0234 284199 or Dieter Nowoczyn Fon.: 0234 260680, admission free